It is universally acknowledged that education is an important aspect of life, for both genders, from all walks of life. In developing countries though, where many communities consider boys to be superior, it could be far more beneficial to educate girls if given a choice between the two.
While the Lenoir Foundation sponsorship programme aims to provide support and access to education for all sponsored children - male and female - it is interesting to know which factors contribute to and promote the empowerment of girls. There are many other important factors that endorse the importance of a girl’s education; examples include a significant reduction in childhood marriage rates, better prevention of diseases like AIDS, and combating gender stereotyping which currently still exists in various cultures around the world today.

Increased Literacy: Of the 163 million illiterate youth across the globe, nearly 63 percent are female. Offering all children education will prop up literacy rates, pushing forward development in struggling regions. When a girl is given an education, she is far more likely to commit to educating her own children as well as her family. This can then steer and empower an entire generation, as opposed to just one individual.
Later Marriage: As suggested by the United Nations Population Fund, in underdeveloped countries, one in every three girls is married before reaching the age of 18. In a region where a girl receives seven or more years of education, the wedding date is delayed by four years.
Smaller Families: Increased participation in school reduces fertility rates over time. In Mali, women with secondary education or higher have an average of three children. Counterparts with no education have an average of seven children.
Income Potential: Education also empowers a woman’s wallet through boosting her earning capabilities. According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, also known as UNESCO, a single year of primary education has shown to increase a girl’s wages later in life by 20 percent.
Access to an education can increase political awareness for females; leading to better informed female leaders with increased political involvement.
67% of children in Southern Africa are unable to afford secondary school. LeNoir Foundation runs a sponsorship programme to ensure that the poorest and vulnerable will receive an education. We currently sponsor 5 primary school students. In whatever we do, we place a special emphasis on ensuring the needs and rights of children are met because they are often the hardest hit by conflict, disaster and chronic poverty. Join us in helping children have a better life.

We are actively seeking new sponsors to enable a new group of children to begin primary school in January 2019. It costs £12.50 per month to pay for one student to go to primary school, but we would gratefully welcome any level of regular donation. 100% of the £12.50 goes to the project.
As President Obama said while addressing the United Nations General Assembly in 2012, “The future must not belong to those who bully women. It must be shaped by girls who go to school and those who stand for a world where our daughters can live their dreams just like our sons.”
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